People often associate an itchy palm with getting money soon but what can itchy gums mean? The answer is that it can mean many things with causes ranging from allergies to gum disease.
About the Gums
Gums are more than that fleshy part of your mouth. They surround teeth roots, teeth bone, jaw bone, and nerves. Something that triggers any of those things can cause your gums to itch. Taking care of your gums can improve gum health and improve itching. Even so, it’s best to discover the unlying cause.
Different Causes
Some of the common causes are mouth injuries, excessive plaque, and gingivitis. There are other causes that are less common.
A physical injury can cause gum itching but it doesn’t have to be a traumatic injury. Behavioral injuries, like teeth grinding or those from vaping can also cause itching.
Excessive Plaque
Plaque is a thin coating of bacteria that builds up and can result in gum disease. If left alone, it can cause itchy and sensitive gums. Gums can also bleed.
Gum disease starts with gingivitis. It’s the first stage of the disease, also called periodontal disease. One of the early symptoms is itchy gums.
Other Possible Causes
Itchy gums can occur in other situations where there are changes in the body whether it’s an external or internal change.
Allergies are a fairly common cause of itchy gums. These can be seasonal allergies or allergies to foods or medicines.
A person’s hormones can dramatically change over the years. Women are especially aware of changes during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. They can experience itchy gums during these times.
A Lack of Saliva
Saliva plays an important role in keeping your mouth healthy because it washes away food debris and bacteria. Those who have dry mouth, like diabetic patients, may have itchy gums.
Dental Devices
Some dental devices that aren’t properly fitted can cause itchy gums. This is especially prevalent with dentures and partials. Itchy gums happen when food debris gets between the devices and the gums. Bacteria grows there and it causes gums to itch.
Plenty of treatments are available to help with itchy gums. The treatment depends on the cause. Antihistamines can be used to reduce allergies and a deep teeth cleaning can help if you have excessive plaque. Teeth guards help if you grind your teeth.
Using Self Care
It always helps to implement self-care when dealing with itchy gums. You should be careful to keep up with dental hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing daily. You can also use a saltwater rinse to reduce inflammation and symptoms.
Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt in eight ounces of warm water. Swish the salt water around in your mouth and spit it out. You can do this safely up to three times a day.
Ice cubes can relieve itching and changing lifestyle habits like stopping smoking can reduce gum irritation. Some foods can irritate gums and limiting those in your diet can help reduce itching. The worst foods for sensitive gums are starchy, acidic, and sugary. This includes those with tomato sauce, orange juice, mashed potatoes, and desserts.
Itchy gums generally don’t indicate a serious problem. However, the root cause should be uncovered to relieve symptoms. You should ask your dentist for help figuring out your triggers and ways to provide relief. We are here to help you relieve itchy gums! Schedule an appointment today!